July 6, 2012: It’s terrific that my new web site is launched. You can find out about my services, who I am, and what I’ve been up to. In the coming months I’ll be adding more content for parents. We will transfer all of the Childhood Matters radio shows (from 2002-2012) and other podcasts for you to listen to when you can. I’ll also transfer the parenting resources that you can now find at www.childhoodmatters.org.

My radio show ended in March this year, and although I miss doing a weekly show, I’m happy to be moving into a new phase of my life. I’ll be working on a book this year, and I’ll continue to do parent trainings, workshops, and individual consulting.

Something to consider:  “Take a a few minutes today to reflect on what you learn from your child. Notice your child’s curiosity, wisdom, and persistence, and remember when you were wise that way.”