Is That Me Yelling? A parents guide to getting your kids to cooperate without losing your cool”  was published in 2013 and is available in 5 different languages. It’s a best seller in China, but here in the US you can only get it now on Kindle until the next edition.

If you would like to set up a presentation or training for your child’s preschool or your workplace, you can contact me at .

Is That Me Yelling? is:

“Engaging and practical, humorous and evidence-based, prescriptive but not preachy, authoritative yet never stuffy, Is That Me Yelling? quickly rises to the top of the many parenting books I’ve ever read. Rona Renner provides thoughtful and achievable solutions. If you’re a parent who has ever yelled at your kid and wished you hadn’t, this book is for you.”
—Stephen P. Hinshaw, PhD, professor in the department of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley; and vice-chair of psychology at the University of California, S.F.

Is That Me Yelling? is a complete and compassionate companion for every parent and educator. With excellent examples from her extensive professional and personal experience, nurse Rona illustrates fundamental psychological principles and functional parenting practices with empathy and enthusiasm.”
—Marisol Muñoz-Kiehne, PhD, clinical psychologist, parent educator, radio host, and author.

Talking With Children About Childhood Sexual Abuse

As the media covers shocking child abuse scandals, parents question how to help their children avoid being a victim. As a parent, are you open and willing to talk to your children about personal space and inappropriate versus appropriate touching? What about helping them understand what sexual behavior is? Join Nurse Rona and guests as they discuss how to teach children to be safe, and the need for adults to speak out and advocate for kids.

• Debbie McCann is a forensic interviewer and multi-disciplinary team leader at Community Violence Solutions.
• Jorge Partida, PsyD, known as “Dr. Jorge” is a practicing psychologist, founder of J. Partida Consulting, and the author of The Promise of the Fifth Sun: Ancestral Journey of Self Discovery.

DOWNLOAD Entire Program (51:02 mp3 23.4 MB)

Do Boys Learn Differently from Girls?

Why are boys lagging behind girls academically? New data shows that boys have dropped behind in reading in every state; this problem seems to cut to the core of boys’ difficulties keeping up in school. Additionally, struggling boys are twice as likely as girls to be suspended, and three times as likely face school expulsion. In this episode, Nurse Rona and guests discuss how we can more effectively engage boys in school and motivate them to succeed.

• Matt Foley, a coach at Student Organizational Services.
• Love Weinstock, assistant head of the East Bay School for Boys.

DOWNLOAD Entire Program (54:03 mp3 49.5 MB)