Pandemic Parenting

There is so much to consider during this pandemic as parents and grandparents do the best they can to keep their relationships with their children healthy and loving. There is no “right way” to get through this time in our lives…but if we can put our children at the center of our decisions, then we will nurture and keep safe the next generation. And in order to do this, parents MUST take care of themselves with enough sleep (your laughing now) healthy food, a little time each day to move your body, and deep gratitude for being alive and building your capacity to thrive in the face of adversity.

Many different events, thoughts, and emotions can trigger your yelling and frustration, but they are all modified or intensified by three unique and important factors: Your temperament, your child’s temperament, and how they fit together.

To learn more check out the links below:

-Article on temperament 

-Temperament survey to look at your temperament and also your child’s-

-To learn more and to get a temperament assessment for a child 4months to 5years go to 

-You can also read the classic book, “Raising Your Spirited Child,” by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, or my book “Is That Me Yelling? A Parent’s Guide to Getting Your Kids to Cooperate Without Losing Your Cool.”

-You can also listen to a show on Temperament with Nurse Rona and Mary Sheedy Kurcinka