Contraception and Reproductive Health
On February 20th on—94.1FM we discussed contraception and reproductive health.
If you missed the show, you can listen here—
“Approximately 50 percent of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, and of these, 43 percent will end in abortion.” —Dr. Adrienne D. Bonham
How can women get the advice and care they need? What forms of contraception are available? And where do families go for help in planning when they will have children and how to stay healthy in the process. 
—Dr. Lealah Pollock is a family physician at the University of California, San Francisco. As an assistant professor of Family and Community Medicine, Dr. Pollock works and teaches both at UCSF and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. She specializes in comprehensive care for women living with HIV and their families and family planning for people of all genders. She directs the reproductive health core curriculum for family medicine residents at UCSF.
—Amanda Giordano is the Director of Quality Management and Nursing for Planned Parenthood Mar Monte. Amanda oversees the processes that ensure the patients are receiving the highest quality of care at all 34 health centers. Additionally, she manages the Registered Nurses at the centers and works directly with patients, as an RN, at various locations. She has a Masters in Health Policy with a Minor in Global Health from the UCSF School of Nursing. Throughout her career Amanda has worked with the underserved population specifically through her involvement with the Rotacare Free Clinic, the Junior League, and as a nurse for a summer camp for low-income kids. Her passion has always been to ensure all patients have access to the high quality health care.
—Guadalupe (Lupe) Rodríguez is the Director of Public Affairs at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country. Lupe served on the board of directors of Essential Access Health and now chairs the board of ACCESS Women’s Health Justice, and is the treasurer of the board of California Latinas for Reproductive Justice. She is serving her third term as the Chair of the Santa Clara County Commission on the Status of Women. She has a BA in neurobiology from Harvard University.