by Rona | Dec 23, 2016 | Announcements, Appearances, KPFA, Podcasts, Radio Shows
Listen now to an interview with the authors of
The Hidden Half of Nature
(December 26th 2-3PM, 94.1FM,
The book, The hidden half of Nature,: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health, is a riveting exploration of how microbes are transforming the way we see nature and ourselves. It reveals why good health—for people and plants—depends on Earth’s smallest creatures. The authors discover startling insights into the similarities between plant roots and the human gut.
Guests and co-authors:
David Montgomery, is a MacArthur Fellow and professor of geo-morphology at the University of Washington. He is an internationally recognized geologist and the author of three award-winning popular-science books. When not writing or doing geology, he plays guitar in the band Big Dirt.
Anne Biklé is a biologist with wide-ranging interests that have led her into watershed restoration, environmental planning, and public health. She has also worked extensively with community groups and non-profit organizations on environmental stewardship and urban livibility projects. Anne spends her free time out in the garden with her hands on plants and dirt.