Parent Advocacy and Leadership

Parents know their children best, but often need encouragement to take a leadership role. Children are more likely to succeed in school and in life when parents use advocacy to ensure quality education, affordable childcare, and community safety. Join Nurse Rona and guests as they discuss the importance of parent involvement.

Melia Franklin, executive director of Parent Leadership Action Network (PLAN).
Jenny Ocón, executive director of Parent Services Project (PSP).

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Helping Victims of Domestic Violence

When a child witnesses family violence there are life long consequences. Getting comprehensive and compassionate help is key to healing the entire family. Join Nurse Rona and guests discuss the power of the Family Justice Center and other support models that provide services for the entire family.

Nadia Davis-Lockyer, executive director of the Alameda County Family Justice Center.
Erica Yew, JD, a judge in the Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara.

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Rebroadcast: Setting Limits and Yelling Less in the New Year

Tantrums, talking back, and sibling fights are behaviors that occur at every stage of a child’s development. When parents are frustrated, they often yell at their children because they’re not sure how to develop effective limits and responses. Yelling less and working toward a peaceful household is a great goal for the new year. Join Rona and a guest discuss how you can create loving boundaries for your children and discipline with respect.

Iris Bradford, education manager for Marin Head Start.

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Importance of Play and Creativity

One risk of the technology-saturated world we live in is that children have fewer opportunities for unstructured play and creativity. Imaginative play is children’s work. Nurse Rona and guests remind us all of the importance of play. Is there time and space for play at your child’s school, at home, or in your neighborhood?

Janis Keyser, teacher, parent educator, program director and speaker who specializes in Early Childhood and Family Development.
Karen Payne and David Hawkins, co-founders of Wild Zones.

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How Being Homeless Affects Children

The affects of homelessness begin to appear even before a baby is born. When children are homeless, their health risks increase and they experience physical and emotional distress that can last long after their family has found a home. However, there is hope when early intervention strategies are used. Tune in to Nurse Rona and guests to learn more about this crucial topic.

Brian Greenberg, director of programs and services at The Shelter Network.
Carrie Hamilton, a doula and a case manager with the Wellness Center at Homeless Prenatal Project.
Martha Ryan, executive director of Homeless Prenatal Project.

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Secondhand Drinking

When a parent is an alcoholic or abuses alcohol, there are serious consequences for children of all ages. Both during the holidays and throughout the year, alcohol abuse is encouraged by social events, advertising, other media, and a need for stress-relief. Nurse Rona and guests address this serious issue whose wide-ranging social effects transcend socioeconomic boundaries.

Lisa Frederikson, author of If You Loved Me, You’d Stop!: What You Really Need to Know When Your Loved One Drinks Too Much.
Juliana Nuñez-Saksa, clinical psychologist at Kaiser’s Center for Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation Program (CDRP) in San Francisco, CA.

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