Listen NOW to About Health (9/2/19) to learn about Heart Based Medicine and how it can change how doctors and patients relate and heal.
“Imagine a medical system that puts the patient back into the center of healing, and where the doctor-patient relationship is the keystone to that healing. More and more medical professionals all around the world are recognizing that unless they engage their hearts, and fully connect with their patients, they are failing to offer the best version of themselves, and then their healing potential is limited. Heart Based Medicine was formed to resuscitate the heart of healing within healthcare.”


Dr. Jan Bonhoeffer is Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Basel Children’s Hospital, in Switzerland. He has built and led large global research networks to improve child health, has published over 100 scientific papers and book chapters on infectious diseases and vaccines, and worked with the World Health Organization to shape global health programs. In 2015, Dr. Bonhoeffer underwent a significant shift in the way that he thought about medicine. He realized that moments of true healing occur when he is not simply executing state of the art medical knowledge, but when he is participating in a healing event with the patient, which he is not in control of. So now he focusses on the human-to-human transmission of disease and disease prevention in the way that we affect each other. He is the founder of Heart Based Medicine