I was so grateful to be able to sit with a group of parents at Parents Place in S.F. to speak honestly about the daily challenges they have juggling work, children, and time to refuel. Yelling is one way parents express their stress and frustrations, their exhaustion, and sometimes their isolation. Regular yelling is not good for children. They are bound to think they are “bad” and not understand why mommy or daddy are so angry at them. It doesn’t help them learn to solve problems. The word to remember is “PAUSE.” Take a few breaths, calm yourself, and think about what your child needs in the moment. Take a few minutes to sense your body and calm your mind. It will lead to a happier and healthier life—something you deserve.
“Was That Me Yelling” presentation on 11/6/13 6:30-8:30PM. To register and find out more got to: http://www.parentsplaceonline.org/san-francisco/classes/yelling