Joe Reilly offers us a wonderful way to remember how to come back to ourselves.

Play this song alone or with your kids.

If you feel like you are getting stressed and might start to yell, just turn this song on and do the A-B-C-D-Es of not yelling.

  • A = “Ask yourself what you are feeling and thinking.”
  • B = “Become aware of your breathing.
  • C = “Calm down before you discipline.”
  • = “Decide what your child needs.”
  • E = “Empathize with what is going on with your child.”

The emphasis of A-B-C-D-E is to take your time before you discipline. 

This concept is explained in detail in Chapter 6 of my book, “Is That Me Yelling.” You can get a copy May 1, 2014. But for now you can read chapter one at

There is so much we can learn from each other!