by Rona | Apr 25, 2023 | KPFA, Podcasts, Radio Shows
We never know when an accident or emergency will happen. Are you prepared?
Listen now to About Health on—94.1FM
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We discussed topics such as child safety, poisoning, drowning, CPR, choking, bleeding, and what to put in a first aid kit. This is a good time to think about safety and be prepared so you can stay as calm as possible if an accident or emergency occurs.
Anna Griffin is an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) with more than 20 years’ experience teaching CPR and First Aid classes. She is an instructor certified by the American Red Cross and the Health & Safety Institute (HSI) and teaches CPR and First Aid to undergraduates at Cal State East Bay. She worked for many years at Washington Hospital in Fremont, recertifying the staff in BLS (Basic Life Support) and has also taught community classes in Baby and Child CPR at hospitals in San Francisco, Daly City, and Berkeley. Bilingual in English and Spanish, she currently offers classes for parent and neighborhood groups, school teachers, office workers and non-profits. Learn more at
by Rona | Apr 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Listen here to today’s show (4/10/23) on 94.1FM—
From microdosing mushrooms, to ecstasy, to Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP), the Bay Area is home to what some are calling a psychedelic renaissance.
Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is a treatment method that involves utilizing ketamine to help patients struggling to find relief from mental health symptoms such as resistant depression, post-partum depression, terminal illness anxiety, or PTSD. It is also used by some to explore existential and spiritual questions about their life.
Join me and my guest Melissa Whippo to discuss Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. We’ll discuss why preparation before the treatment, integration afterwards, and the set and setting, are so important in this treatment model.

Melissa Whippo is a licensed clinical social worker, certified yoga instructor, and practitioner of sacred herbalism. She has guided thousands of women through transformational experiences, from motherhood to the ceremonial. Her work focuses on holistic healing, liminal self discovery, and sacred reciprocity. Clinically, she incorporates aspects of attachment theory, object relations, internal family systems, and has a keen interest in dreamwork and authentic movement. She has been practicing Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy since 2019 and has been a lead trainer with the Ketamine Training Center and Inbodied Life. She is pioneering research on postpartum depression and psychedelics. Learn more at
-The Fireside Project is a help and harm-reduction site for people working with psychedelics.
-MAPS is a foundation working in clinical research Phase 3 trials for psilocybin and MDMA.
-The Beckley Foundation is a female-founded psychedelic research organization in the U.K. that also runs retreats in Jamaica, where psilocybin is legal.
-Erowid is a longtime online source of information for all things psychedelic, including sourcing and dosing.
-Reddit has several subreddits dedicated to psychedelics, including resource materials, sourcing and dosing.
-The Ancestor Project is a source of support for psychedelic use and integration focused on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color).
by Rona | Oct 10, 2022 | KPFA, Podcasts, Radio Shows
October is Learning Disabilities (LD) Awareness Month.
It’s reported that one in five students learn differently because they have dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or other learning and attention issues.Some people, despite having an average or above average intelligence, have difficulty acquiring academic skills, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking and math. Often these difficulties are the result of a learning disability, also referred to as a learning difference by some.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines a learning disability as a condition when a child’s achievement is substantially below what one might expect for that child.
Join me to find out more about learning differences and the importance of advocating for someone who isn’t getting the services they need.
(10/17/22) Listen now to About Health on KPFA 94.1FM
Dr. Rebecca Hawley has worked in Education, Early Intervention, Special Education, and Family Support Services for 25 years within the Bay Area and at a National and International level. Dr. Hawley provides direct support, leadership, and programmatic oversight for non-profit, state, federal and private agencies. Her direct research and practice have primarily focused on issues of equitable and individualized access to education and services for students between the ages 2-21. She has a private practice in special education advocacy and support, and is a standing advocate for parents of students with special needs and mental health challenges. Dr. Hawley holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership with a Focus on Child Development and Special Education, and a Special Education Law Certificate from Drexel University, where she currently holds an adjunct faculty position.
Learning resources provided by Dr. Hawley:
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Current:
Children’s Books:
by Rona | Jun 19, 2022 | KPFA, Podcasts, Radio Shows
Listen now to 94.1FM
June 20, 2022
The F.D.A has recommended that the Moderna and Pfizer coronavirus vaccines be authorized for children as young as 6 months old. Very soon parents will have to make decisions about whether to vaccinate their young children, which vaccine to give, and if masking up is still necessary.
And with summer upon us, there are important general safety tips to talk about, such as preventing sun stroke and dehydration, as well as water safety.

Guest: Dr. Donna White Carey is the Medical Director of Case Management at Alameda Alliance for Health. She served as the first African-American Chief of the Division of Pediatrics at Alameda Health System and then became the first Chair of their Department of Pediatrics. As Chair, she initiated Pediatric Grand Rounds and developed a Safe Sleep Program. Dr. Donna is a past President of Sinkler Miller Medical Association and serves on several Boards and committees, including the Samuel Merritt University’s Ethnic Health Institute. She is also the Executive Pastor of True Vine Ministries. She initiated a quarterly women’s forum entitled “Sista Talk,” a weight loss program called “Fit for Life,” and “Survivor Weekend,” which focuses on cancer prevention.
Dr. Donna has received numerous awards, honors and commendations, including “STEM Woman of the Year” by then-assemblymember Nancy Skinner and a Chairwoman Award from the Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce. She completed her pediatric residency training at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland and completed a one-year fellowship in adolescent medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
You can follow Dr. Donna on her Facebook or IG pages. You can also “keep our appointment” and watch her weekly on her YouTube channel, “Talking with Dr. Donna.”
by Rona | Apr 13, 2022 | KPFA, Podcasts, Radio Shows
Listen now to 94.1FM 4/18/22
Joining me was Thuy Nguyen, a new producer/host on About Health.
“Connection is at the heart of Chinese medicine—the understanding that everything is connected internally as well as externally. Internally, mind-body-spirt. Externally, person-family-community. That is why we say: Heal Yourself, Heal Your Community. The awareness of our inseparable connection brings home the influence of our well-being on the community and the well-being of the community on us. We are all in this together. When you heal, we heal.”—Berkeley Community Acupuncture. 

Thuy Nguyen has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 20 years and is the founder and director at Berkeley Community Acupuncture, a clinic making TCM widely accessible. She is also the creator of the Navajo Healing Project, a unique project aimed at introducing TCM to the Dine community in a way that is relevant, healing and empowering. Thuy is a maker and a mother of 3 teenagers and 2 dogs. In addition, she produces radio shows for About Health on At the heart of all she does is the desire to illuminate our inseparable connection to Nature and one another, and to offer an understanding of ourselves and our well-being that is empowered and life affirming.