images“When we do our best to treat our children, others, and ourselves with kindness and respect—even with our imperfections–there is a ripple effect. A shift takes place in ourselves, in our children, in the people we interact with every day. When we heal our wounds with courage and honesty, we can use our energy for our benefit and the benefit of others. One person—like you or me—can have a significant impact on the violence, greed, suffering, and lack of compassion around us all. If more parents model respectful communication and empathy, then the next generation will have a better chance to create a more peaceful world.

Consider these questions every day:

  • What will I discover today that brings meaning to my life?
  • What will I learn from my children, and what will they learn from me?
  • How can I offer love, comfort, or peace to someone?”

—Rona Renner, “Is That Me Yelling?” (page 200)

