This show is the second of a four-part continuation of our series, Your Teen Matters
Does your teen skip breakfast, wait until noon to eat, and wonder why he can’t pay attention in the afternoon? Does your teenager moan when it’s time to get up in the morning, yet stay up till midnight bonding with technology? Proper nutrition and sleep are critical for everyone, but teens are unique in their needs and habits. Join co-hosts Nurse Rona and Beth Samuelson, MA, of Student Organizational Services, and guests to discuss ways to ensure that teens are eating and sleeping properly so they can function effectively during the school day and beyond.
• Dr. Allison Harvey, PhD is a clinical psychologist and professor of Clinical Psychology, and director of the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic at UC Berkeley.
• Julie Matel, MS, RD, CDE is a clinical dietitian and certified diabetes educator at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.
DOWNLOAD Entire Program (54:59 mp3 50.4 MB)